
Faculty & Staff



TCU has been named a “Great College to Work For” eight years in a row by The Chronicle 高等教育. 我们相信其中一个原因是我们一直致力于 成为一个友好、互助的工作场所. 这所大学提供教职员工 an array of resources dedicated to supporting diversity and inclusion on campus, such 作为人力资源项目和下面列出的项目.


Advocates assist in fostering diversity and cultivating an inclusive learning and TCU的学校和学院的工作环境. 他们专注于招聘和晋升 efforts, recruitment and retention of faculty, staff and students, and serve as a resource and consultant to the Dean, Associate Deans, chairs and directors on DEI issues.



  • 学术事务—— 克莱尔·桑德斯(教员)
  • 大学晋升-空缺
  • 学生事务-空缺
  • 〇财务及行政 Erik Trevino
  • 校长办公室—— Maleta山
  • 〇市场营销和传播 比尔·哈特利
  • bc体育, Ray Walls
  • 〇人力资源 特伦斯·柯克
  • 资讯科技- 约书亚托雷


TCU的克勒教学、创新和参与中心 provide opportunities for faculty to engage in critical DEI conversations, increase awareness of diversity concerns and foster an inclusive instructional environment.



员工资源组 (ERGs) are employee-led groups comprising individuals with 共同的兴趣、问题或背景.  ergg是一个机会,让员工 create an environment of belonging and promote an encouraging and supportive community.

  • 我们自己的联盟 provides community building among Latina faculty, staff and graduate students. The League provides an opportunity and a platform for those with similar cultural backgrounds, 生活和职业经验的结合. 了解更多或联系 我们自己的联盟,请联系辛西娅·蒙特斯 c.montes@tongyaoww.com.
  • TCU员工学士学位. To provide support, guidance and help to any TCU employee looking to start, continue 或者完成他们的本科学位. 请与Nicole Sinclair联系 n.sinclair@tongyaoww.com.
  • TCU黑人教职员协会 brings together TCU’s Black faculty and staff in order to build a social network 校园里黑人员工之间的友情和支持. 该组织的目标是 to promote the equitable recruitment, retention, and advancement of Black employees, facilitate professional and personal development opportunities, and to honor and celebrate the beautiful struggle of the Black experience with faculty, staff, and students, 在TCU也是如此. 因此,与社区建设相结合,BFSA旨在推进这项工作 of equity and justice on campus to ensure Black members of the TCU community thrive here. 了解更多或建立联系 to TCU Black Faculty and Staff Association, please 联系布兰登·曼宁 brandon.manning@tongyaoww.com.
  • 喘息的空间 provides support and career development to enhance the work environment for Black 女性教职员工和研究生. 会议和对话的基础是 Six Dimensions of Wellness physical, emotional spiritual, intellectual, environmental and social. 要了解更多或连接到呼吸室,请联系 breathingroom@tongyaoww.com
  • 兄弟之间的情谊’ purpose is to unite the TCU Black Male Faculty and Staff community, in the effort of providing a space we can call our own to relax, rejuvenate, and grow in the community as men. As we come together in a united presence, we aim to increase our visibility 在沃斯堡和TCU社区内,通过服务和指导. To learn more or get connected to 兄弟之间的情谊, please contact Reginald Wilburn at r.a.wilburn@tongyaoww.com.
  • 四个方向集体  aims to create a shared, cohesive space for Native and Indigenous faculty/staff 和盟友走到一起,建立联系,分享机会. 我们是专注的 to amplifying the voices of Indigenous people at TCU and in the broader DFW community.  Within our campus community, we seek to support current faculty, staff, and students, while also advocating for increased recruitment, retention, and development. In the local community, we seek to find opportunities to connect with and support our Native 和土著组织.  了解更多或连接到四个方向 集体,请联系博士. 邓文迪·塞拉 w.sierra@tongyaoww.com.
  • 万花筒 is a space to give TCU faculty and staff opportunities to come together, learn, and 讨论与多元文化和社会问题相关的领域. 了解更多或建立联系 到万花筒,请与Reece Harty联系 reece.harty@tongyaoww.com.
  • 拉丁美洲联盟(Latinos Unidos) is an all-inclusive professional group dedicated to uniting the general Hispanic bc体育的美国/拉丁裔人口. 我们的目标是促进增长 and success of our Latinx male faculty and staff by providing professional and educational guidance, fellowship, advice, mentorship and support in a safe space of belonging 这将使我们能够探索juntos. 我们的目标是提高拉丁裔的意识,行动, 并倡导TCU和更大的沃斯堡社区. [Latidos (Lati2):节拍。 - pulso(脉搏),ritmos(节奏)]. 要了解更多或与拉丁裔联盟建立联系, 请与文森特·佩雷斯联系 vincent.perez@tongyaoww.com or Dr. 伊曼纽尔·加西亚  emm.garcia@tongyaoww.com
  • 彩虹联盟  provides support and community building for members of the LBGTQ+ community at TCU.  Gatherings, while social in nature, are designed to cultivate relationships across campus with the intention of better knowing members of our community and addressing 社区的需要.  欲了解更多或加入彩虹联盟,请 请与Philip Dodd联系: philip.dodd@tongyaoww.com.


  • For more information about starting an ERG that supports and fosters building a community 所有员工,请与艾莎·托瑞·索耶联系 a.sawyer@tongyaoww.com.


TCU is a member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity which 允许教师参与 教师成功计划. The 教师成功计划 offers coaches, a supportive community, mentors, and 终身教职和终身教职的bc体育发展.

“Since starting the program, I have secured a book contract, published an article, been awarded a competitive national fellowship, and landed a co-editorship for a special 我所在领域的主要期刊. 这个项目不仅帮助我提高了工作效率 in my scholarly endeavors, but also gave me strategies to be more engaged with my family. bc体育FSP的好处,我怎么说都不为过.”
——stacie McCormick,英语助理教授 


TACHE TCU – bc体育 Chapter of the Texas Association of Chicanos 高等教育. The purpose of the organization is to encourage the understanding and learning of Latinidad while focusing on access, participation, retention, and the success of Chicanx/Latinx students, faculty, and staff at TCU; scholarship fund development to support Chicanx/Latinx students; and to support the goals as established by the state TACHE organization. 欢迎大家的加入. 联系人:Susie Olmos-Soto at s.olmos-soto@tongyaoww.com


TCU strives to uphold its values of academic achievement, personal freedom and integrity while maintaining its heritage of inclusiveness, responsible citizenship, and service. TCU believes that every community member should be treated with dignity as well as respect. Actions or comments that may be perceived as offending these values hinder our scholarly community in its striving for knowledge, enlightenment, in addition 充分实现每个人的潜力. 表达的动作或评论 or imply a bias against any group within our community—whether that group is singled out by its race, color, religion, gender, nationality or any other classification—are 在TCU校园是不被接受的. 这种有偏见的行为需要回应.
