




These TCU programs teach others to respect the sovereignty of 印第安人 nations and the historical trauma of 印第安人s and 原住民.

  • 地承认
  • 简要的纪念碑
  • 印第安人 & 土著人民日 & 研讨会
  • 领导 & 咨询圆


教师 and Staff of Color Welcome Reception

Each fall, a reception is held to welcome and connect faculty and staff of color. The reception allows employees to meet each other and offer updates regarding campus 倡议. Chancellor Victor Boschini attends this event each year.


The TCU student chapter NAACP and ODI hosted a student, faculty, staff mixer in Fall 2019. This allowed faculty, staff, and students of color to meet and mingle. 教师 and staff also had an opportunity to offer advice to navigate a successful college experience and answer questions from students.

“Check Your Blind Spots” Mobile Tour

A total of 267 faculty, staff, and students participated in the “Check Your Blind Spots” tour experience in April 2019, sponsored by CEO Action for 多样性 and 包容. The “Check Your Blind Spots” is part of a national effort to explore and mitigate unconscious bias—aka blind spots—that can shape our judgments about people. 旅游 uses virtual reality and gamification techniques to address personal biases and drive 包容的行为. It also exposed participants to the nuances of unconscious bias 改变行为. 这则新闻在哥伦比亚广播公司11频道播出.


午餐 co-sponsorship with Inclusiveness & 跨文化服务和对外直接投资. 客人 演讲者博士. Bianka Soria-Olmos, TCU Class of 2007, discussed her journey through medicine.


Dr. Luis Romero, assistant professor of Comparative 比赛 and Ethnic Studies gave a presentation titled “Crimmigration: Origins and Consequences in The United States Intersections of Criminal Law and Immigration Law.” He discussed how the nation entered the current crimmigration regime and his work on immigration detention.

Unlikely Allies in the Academy 午餐 and Workshop

The book Unlikely Allies: Women of Color and White Women in the Academy was provided to faculty and staff who participated in the summer reading program. Dr. 凯伦L. 鲦鱼, the editor of the book and Vice Chancellor for 多样性, Equity & 包含在 IUPUI, shared her insights on the important topic of allyship. Dr. 戴斯,谁讨论过 the relationship dynamics in the book, led a small group discussion proceeding the 午餐.

多样性办公室 and 包容 Tailgate

In appreciation of everyone’s efforts, the 多样性办公室 and 包容 thanked the campus community for its commitment and support in developing, hosting and encouraging more inclusive programs and strategies 在TCU by hosting a tailgate social before 贝勒诉. TCU主场比赛.

马丁·路德·金. 午餐

1月的. 15 午餐,” A Call to Action: Continuing the Dream,” reflected on the history 博士的重要性. 国王的遗产. This inaugural celebration included a historical 和鼓舞人心的信息 鲍勃·雷·桑德斯 and a performance by TCU Word of Truth Gospel Choir.

Personalized Training Offered by the 多样性办公室 & 包容

多元化办公室 & 包容 partnered with administrative and academic units to enhance, develop and implement employee professional development that supports a climate of equity and inclusion for the overall college community to live, work and interact productively in an increasingly diverse and complex world.


  • January-Residential Life training for hall directors: "Unconscious Bias in Recruitment 和招聘”
  • August 15-Presentation to College 多样性 Advocates: "Cultural Proficiency Continuum"
  • September 20-Young Chancellor’s Advisory Council: "Unconscious Bias"
  • September 27-Chancellor’s Advisory Council: "Unconscious Bias"
  • October 16-UNLF Class presentations: DEI 在TCU
  • 12月12日-跨文化冲突


  • January 10-Resident Assistant staff training: "Unconscious Bias: Exploring Blind Spots 对于理解”
  • February 18-TCU Retirees Association: DEI Presentation and Q & A
  • 2月21日- tcu理学院 & Engineering (dean’s staff): "Unconscious Bias: Exploring Blind Spots 对于理解”
  • February 26-CEO 多样性 in Action Program: "Flip the Script"
  • February 27-Leaders to Life: "Interrupting Microaggressions in the Millennium"
  • March 3-TCU faculty and staff: "Unconscious Bias: Exploring Blind Spots 对于理解”

In 2017年10月, the DEI Committee presented recommendations to Chancellor Victor Boschini that were based on the committee’s careful study of current practices and assessment 迫切需要.

The following recommendations were immediately approved:

  • 建立 教师 多样性 Advocates in each College/School
  • 建立 the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, which is dedicated 为了学院的多样化
  • 推出年度 多样性, Equity and 包容 Award
  • 传入数量增加 社会学者
  • 建立 STEM学者计划 (inaugural class matriculates in summer 2018)
  • 雇用 Director of 多样性 and 融入计划
  • 建立 a commemorative plaque to acknowledge and pay respect to Wichita and Affiliated Tribes upon whose historical lands TCU is located.  10月奉献 15, 2018.
  • University membership in National Center for 教师 Development and 多样性 教师成功计划