


2021年,RRI制造了 七项变革建议, all of which were unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees — including extending RRI最初收费一年,观察一年 和解的一天.

Every year, we receive updates on the progress made across the university on the recommendations.

2023 - 24日更新

TCU应制定并实施促进公平的全面战略计划 以及研究生和本科生招生、教职员工的包容性 recruitment and retention, and the illumination of TCU’s full history through curricula 比如青蛙营地和UNLF. 

  • 教务处旨在使教员多样化的举措继续取得成果. To date, nine meritorious teacher-scholars have been hired through the Shared Cost Hiring 针对未被充分代表的终身教职或终身教职教员的倡议. 自2022年起,两名博士后 have been hired and a search for an additional DEI postdoctoral scholar is in progress.
  • The five-year plan to diversify faculty continues with an 8% increase in BIPOC full-time 2018年至今. 到2023年,BIPOC学生的入学率将增加到30% 28.4% in 2022. BIPOC学生的保留率上升到94人.89的6%.3%,六年 毕业率从78%上升.2022年为7%至85%.6% in 2023.
  • To champion student success, as part of the Agile Analytics Initiative, official accommodations 提供了1815名学生,增加了5%.2022年起52%. 一种新的学术建议 platform reached more students across campus, and the Peer2Peer Tutoring Pilot completed 2,228 appointments during 2023, with more than 97% of participants highly recommending 这个项目.
  • DFW欢迎讲西班牙语的家庭到校园参加各种活动 日历年. 信息发布会由讲西班牙语的招生工作人员主持 导游是讲西班牙语的学生.
  • In light of the recent Supreme Court decision that addressed race-conscious admission, 招生部门为有色人种家庭开发并纳入了项目 TCU的经验是我们为录取学生提供的首要校园参观项目. 这些学生和他们的 supporters are invited to a special breakfast during which they not only connect with future classmates, but hear from faculty, staff and administrators of color, reinforcing the idea that when students come to TCU they will see themselves in their role models.
  • Collaborating with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, Admissions developed a new scholarship program: Four Directions Scholars Program, that acknowledges leaders and emerging leaders in Native communities. To continue building bridges, this program includes mentorship and covers the cost 出席的.
  • Admissions increased the number of students offered the Inclusive Excellence Scholarship 希望招收40名学生(原来是20名). 奖学金金额增加 从每年1万美元到2万美元. 奖学金与学术奖学金可叠加 一年级和转学生也可以获得奖学金.
  • In the wake of increased antisemitism around the country and specifically on college campuses, Admissions held a focus group with Jewish students to understand the climate 以及我们如何向未来的犹太家庭推销自己.
  • HR continued participation in the North Texas Lead program designed to attract and 建立多元化的领导候选人渠道.
  • HR的N2TCU取向 & 入职培训有助于新员工适应TCU的工作环境. 自定节奏的内容包括TCU DEI和比赛 & 和解倡议.

TCU should provide more robust contextual information near the Clark Brothers’ statue and memorialize a more complete story of TCU, commemorating the efforts of underrepresented or marginalized groups who contributed to TCU’s development and highlighting racist attitudes and behaviors from earlier years as an educational step toward creating 反种族主义社区.

Located in the Intellectual Commons, the Sesquicentennial Plaza Project will commemorate the diversity of achievements throughout the history of TCU, reposition the Clark Brothers statue and recognize the top donors during the recent campaign, “Lead On: 支持TCU的运动.“该空间将作为反映大学的门户 过去,现在和未来. 百周年广场项目建设时间表 is under development; the design process will commence in April 2024.

TCU应该开发和维护一个在线数字存储库 特别关注种族问题 & 和解,所有教职员共青团的成员 community are able to access to understand the collective histories that contribute TCU的遗产.

口述历史项目取得了很大进展. 21部口述历史中的10部 可以在图书馆的网页上查看吗 数字库 而且每个月还会增加更多.

TCU should perform a comprehensive inventory of all official vendors conducting business with TCU to qualitatively measure and assess equitable representation by diverse members 我们的商界.

TCU致力于提供公平的合同和采购机会 to diverse suppliers, including minority- and women-owned business enterprises, commonly 被称为MWBE. TCU的多元化支出比例一直保持在7% 步骤如下:

  • Investment in the Procure-to-Pay workflow to create a central resource to encourage 使用首选的和可能多样化的供应商.
  • Initiate the use of diverse suppliers as punchout catalogs through our e-procurement 工具.
  • Invite diverse suppliers to participate in solicitations for competitive procurements. 我们多样化供应商的响应率从42%上升到56%.
  • Require our large construction management partners to invite MWBE suppliers to participate 在分包机会中. 在所有在建项目中获得MWBE奖 平均8.5%.


We recommend that TCU develop and implement a comprehensive strategic plan to promote equity and inclusion in graduate and undergraduate student admissions, faculty and staff recruitment and retention, and the illumination of TCU’s full history through 比如青蛙夏令营和UNLF.

We recommend providing more robust contextual information near the Clark Brothers’ 雕像和纪念地更完整的故事,纪念TCU的努力 underrepresented or marginalized groups who contributed to TCU’s development and highlighting racist attitudes and behaviors from earlier years as an educational step toward creating 反种族主义社区.

We recommend the development and maintenance of an online digital depository specifically 关注种族 & 和解,bc体育社区的所有成员都能做到的 以了解有助于TCU遗产的集体历史.

We recommend more consistently recognizing the contributions of our Black, Indigenous and other alumni of color, more specifically through the ongoing funding, development and maintenance of the RRI 口述历史计划 designed to capture key alumni experiences.

We recommend the perpetual and continued observance of “TCU 和解的一天” as a means to maintain open forums of communication and expression on the topic of race 和解的同时,有意识地,有意地,战略性地增加 使用现有的TCU媒体渠道(i.e.(学生经营的电视、印刷品和广播) 扩大校园内的多种声音和观点.

We recommend conducting a comprehensive inventory of all official vendors conducting business with TCU to qualitatively measure and assess equitable representation by 我们商界的不同成员.

我们建议继续这场比赛 & 和解倡议在最初一年之后 time frame originally set for this committee’s investigation by continuing to make the modest investment in the human capital necessary to carry out the work of research 和解是TCU努力的重要组成部分.